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Swiss watch-making company Nubeo is deterring from the tried and true of endorsing golfers and tennis players, and instead has made the bold move of stepping onto the hardwood. Kobe Bryant will now have to wear at least one of three of his Nubeo brand "Black Mamba" special edition watches when he's abusing motherfuckers on the nightly. So now not only will you be degraded because you've just been: Faced, thrown on, jumped over, straight up made to look silly, and/or all that other good ish that Kobz does to other ballers, but you'll also feel bad because there is no way in hell you can afford his $285,000 watch.


I'm thinking about putting mines on Layaway, you?
All I need is one more sports-induced heterosexual embrace Michigan State, please!

Take that, Baracketology
-Kan "Magic > Bird/ Money Takes Care of Everything, Take that Clinical Research" Ando
Fellow Equiat (when you're Of An Equestrian Order) Tait Howard has some work up on people! Create a account and vote for T-Ho, darnit.


quadruple nice!
- Kan "I'm a Good Friend" Ando
I saw Danny Green play in High School (St. Mary's/NJ) at Baruch College my sophomore year of high school, and I left feeling thoroughly unimpressed. He was obviously the best player, but for some reason I just didn't think he would succeed at Carolina-- I believed the ACC to bea conference way too physically demanding with a talent pool that was just beyond his level.
4 years later, I'm wrong, Danny Green is a pivotal piece to the nation's best team, and he's getting face time pre-game for the Tar Heels.
About that interview... Don't ever laugh like Jada again Danny, like ever.

man, you not even a predicate. This dunk is Raw, though

this yell and flex is wayyyyy unconvincing. Pairing this with ESPN footage from two nights ago means the revoking of one's hood pass
so this summer Im moving to harlem I dont really care if Im not a writer but Im going to take my old typewriter and make you love me make you want me by me I mean my writing but of course you already understood that and maybe if you didnt you should take your head from inbetween the corner walls of your bedroom and sober up because sometimes people other than myself have important things to say maybe Im not even going to make you remotely like my writing because Ill be too busy making sure I like it myself and in doing so Ill make sure that that always remains meaningful because if I lived my life like others who lived their life for others than maybe I would have ended up a little different or even similarly dissimilar or exactly the same.
Not that Ive never tried to make something out of my life I think I was born into doing that because I never was too proud of any of my surroundings until I didnt have them any more or maybe I just was always too proud to admit that I have a grateful deficiency which means its both great and I am still full of deficiency and I used to think it made me better than you to admit that I have problems when you didnt but now Ive come to realize that it really just makes me the same if not lesser but now given to you was the additional awareness that I have problems.
Maybe this will make my selection of short stories.

on gifting scallions

living in the bike lane
Kan Ando
whatever floats my boat
Amy Odell was stripped of her Blogger of the Moment Award because of some sort of "nude pictorial scandal"
lets hope he tearfully thanks both his mother and Jesus

there's no crying in baseball, but blogging can sometimes overexert your tear ducts
The winner is...
AMY ODELL -- bringing you The Cut
close second KAN ANDO -- Keeping you Warm and Fuzzy like Microwaved Peaches

I get up in it every MF-in day, thanks Patrik Rzepski
I'm feeling this blog:

That's a heavy concentrated blue that only japanese people are known to truly perceive... look it up!
Told by a friend to look at this website, and was pleased when I did. The artist's name is Antonio Jorge Gonçalves, and he travels around the world to draw the people he sees in various subways.

- Kan "F a Metrocard for $103" Ando

we about to be putting potholes in the lawn

I'm proud of you Suf!
It's here -- Jake Troth presents to you the Daydream Big Mixtape! Download it for free at

he's looking at the money he doesn't care about saving with GEICO- 'cause he's about to be rich, bitchhhhhhhhhh
OK, here's the MF-in deal y'all:
Sat, April 11th Doors open at 7:30, performance 8:30
blankspace gallery (40th between Drayton and Abercorn)
$2 at the doorrefreshments will be served
grown and sexy a must damnit, A MUST
Of An Equestrian Order will be painting the gallery walls, so this is definitely one of the bona fide collaboratives you'll see from SCAD artists this quarter.
I'm not actually even going to lie or scheme about this at all, this kid is good, and good as in really good. If you are a fan you should come down and see him. If you're not a fan you should come down and see him. If you don't even know why you would be a fan or not, C-DASH (Come Down and See Him), baby!
Now thats a Music Vimeo.
P.S. Look for a Kan Ando/Jake Troth SCAD Style video in the near future! I'm trying to win these tickets, Mo
Tait Howard showing us how to slash and burn (foolz)

I wouldn't be surprised if Japanese game show television got a hold of these to make an inspired program where contestants had to wear tiger masks with binoculars attached and samurai armor-- the main purpose being to try and score goals with a soccer ball or run away from a large man dressed as a werewolf through a difficult and hilariously painful obstacle course.
Anyway, just wait until he unleashes what's been plotted for the Jake Troth album release party! (hint hint)

Life's Too $hort!

Gangsta shit hereditary, got it from my dad
Wiseman says
My friend Rory Newman has graciously asked me to write for his blog (HippoBlogAMust), and I am definitely going to be getting down on that.
In the meantime check out some of his work on his self-made website!

grainy, like a G-damned piece of rye
I'm moving into a new house with a couple of kids from the Eq. Order and one other, and the crib has appropriately been named Hogwarts (properties Kyle, properties). Fuck ADT, at all times I gots my Patronus holding down my Dumbledores.
Yeah, that shit is a ghostly, beastly version of De La Soul as a motherfucking elephant.
expelliarmus, hoes

9 3/4 skate team
I fucks with photoshoots where the photographed act as if they enjoy each other's company and genuinely mean it.
For some reason I was able to salvage this picture from my digital camera, the film still perfectly intact and unexposed.

I guess the common denominator to a photograph by Nate Crespin and an Andrew Wyeth masterpiece are unreal clouds.
So I'm broke in more than one sense of the word. My digital camera has succumbed to my wild and rambunctious backpackery, and now the LCD is broken. All the images from Miami and weeks prior have been destroyed, which seriously b-l-o-w-s-b-a-d-l-y, but I'll overcome like a Peter North spot.

I hate it when I get caught outside of the dormitory showers
oh hell no
So I gave you all a break.
I let you breathe a little bit.
Supplied you with some space.
Let some other suckaz get a chance at it.
Mice out to play 'cause the cat went away.
Played a little baseball, too.

Yeah, I blog with my tongue out too bitches.