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Even though I have never seen this musical, I am super hyped, because I love the soundtrack! It's such an awesome show, and pretty much if you get a chance you should go and definitely check this out. I will be posting a review for this show as well, yeooooowwwwwwww

An actress and an actor, acting as an actress and a writer. Intriguing, non?
The show is at the Mondanaro Theatre in Crites Hall on March 5th at 7:00, and on March 7th at 7:00. There is no cover charge. Yes, it is true, this show is as advertised, FREE99.
-Kan "the bootleg queen" Ando
I'm almost like Gus Johnson himself
So I decided against doing the Abercrombie competition because
1) I didn't organize my time well enough
2) It'll cost too much money
3) It's most assuredly not really the direction I want to go in
4) I don't think it really will upgrade my potential portfolio anytime soon.
So, I've decided to go harder with other things.
Stay tuned to see what the f those things are, mon ami! Now picture Gambit throwing a flaming ace through your computer screen in your face to see where the h I'm going with this.
like whoa
Kan "The Wasp v. CRUSHtacean" Ando
look at the SCAD students and alum run amuck!
Sean Fahie coming off the block hot with the creative firm 9 and 3/4. The concept is cool, its art for arts sake/always keep it pushing. Nobody's a dime cause we should all stay hungry! yum yum yum yum yum a dkfjbvjsdkbsbdjkns!!! That's the sound of a BEAST
Plus the decks don't even cost that much dough! I'm thinking about hanging this one up in my room for the meager price of $40:

you're right Swizzy, can't deny the good
I'm out to stop blogging and start designing.
I gotta stop talking about people doing shit and actually become one of them myself.
OK people, as soon as a peach/apple medley gets 1000 hits, I'm throwing a BLOG PARTY! On my block, so it's like, a block party, get it??????
YEAH LETS DO THIS. The more of us, the less of them. I don't know what the hell that means but just make it feel positive!

try google-ing your name and see what YOU can come up with! Matter of fact f that try BLACKLE-ing it instead!
"this post has everything to do with music because you can't have a block/blog party without any music."
- Kan Ando
How indie, Jakey
So when I heard that Jake Troth's new mixtape was titled the "Daydream Big Mixtape," I was like for sure, let's have a listen. I WAS NOT PREPARED. This is hands down the best album to come out of a SCAD student this year, pretty much out of a student anywhere. As soon as I finished I was like damn, there goes Jake, he's going to pull an India Arie!

"This is NC, soon to be in she/ soon to be in the R & R while they envy"

Might as Whale, another one of Jake's previous albums
Listening to an advance copy of "Daydream Big" (shameless plug of the growing influence of the blog! Become a follower now, people!) I can't wait for it to drop to the public on April 1st.
I do believe Of An Equestrian Order will be throwing a mixtape release party for the Jakester himself, so stay tuned for something along those lines.
check out more at Jake's myspace, or at his music/clothing collaborative Jacob Rogers
More music-related blog posts coming!
Incredibly, its that time
the time when you start needing more and more
music line for line for line
Greetings, fellow earthlings, you are now in store for a few blog entries worth of Music Reviews.
Pump up, pump up, pump up the volume.

First things first, I met Alex Goose the first quarter of my Freshman year at SCAD briefly in front of the Tantra Lounge, acting on some tomfoolish drunkenness. I think we both dismissed each other like alright we've been hearing about each other, finally met up, whatevs. I met him again in the Dyson Lab something like 4 or 5 months later supposedly doing work, and we ended up just vibing for like, 4 hours on some dream shit. It was crazy (and almost homoerotic... naaaaa just playin' Goosey) and basically it sparked a friendship both personal and professional that has rarely occurred in my lifetime. When we got around to listening and looking at each other's work we both came away like, wow, this could be something ill. Goose has since moved away from Savannah to Atlanta and with the equally talented and enjoyable people he introduced me to, Danny Swain, Brittany Bosco, Branden Collins, Lloyd Harold, they helped to form an awesome sound and design collective, The Big Up. So lets give BIG UPS to The Big Up!

Brittany Bosco- I saw her destroy at Dimensions Gallery in 08'. Literally, after she killed the system just stopped working
the design of Alex Goose, also featured on the album as a producer. Oh yeah, that album was also on the pre-ballot for a GRAMMY

DANNY! Swain, Kroger loans no more.
So peach/apple medleyites, I'm just saying. When they blow up you can have those stories to tell around the water cooler, you know, those "I used to have a history class next to the water fountains they used to drink out of" kind of things. Or if you're part of my non-SCAD Savannah audience you can just be up on that ish. That hot ish. That too hawt to handle ish. Yeah, back to that ish.

that puts the "Fun" in Indian motif Feng Shui
Wait, these are exclusive.
take a picture for the cameraphone, just shake a little for the cameraphone!
(Peep the peach/apple medley shoutout under image 4. Certified blog validity!)
LCD, thanks again
Kan "Longitude"Ando
DJ PRICE crushed it at Saya Lounge on Friday, for sure!

PRICE trying to feel the beat, Justin Church already waaaayyyyyyy ahead of him
Anyway, more on the night. As a future forewarning, Saya lounge has a few things wrong with it:
1) Bouncer is kind of ehhh, but whatever my man gotta do what he gotta do
2) Downstairs not a lot of service, so you can't let others know how the DJ (in this case DJ PRICE) is killing it
3) No hats. Actually props to a professor who will go unnamed who was approached by the indoor bouncer to take off her hat or face removal to which she replied: "I'll take a to-go cup please." (she was drinking CHAMPAGNE!!!!! Fuck Lil' Wayne, Tiger, and that autistic three-point specialist's explanations, That's G)
4) The drinks are near New York prices. I was paying something like $7 or $8 for my bitchmixes and that shit does not fly in the Dirty!
That's all the negativity there is today in this post. Onto the flipside!
DJ PRICE is good, his choice of music is very appropriate, his transitions are nice, and his mixes are sometimes truly off the chain.
The party itself was a fucking banger, I was raging so hard I lost a blackberry, knitted cap, and a cardigan. AND I DIDN'T EVEN CARE (I have since been returned the Berry--- good looks AJ!)
Here are some more visuals of the Saya ambiance!

You can see the club as either mad full or far from empty.
anyway, the best part is the fun doesn't ever stop, and DJ PRICE is above the Metro Coffee House tonight, doing what he do.
Kan "SCADFAN (Like Swimfan, only creepier)" Ando

yellow diamonds in my mouth (no homo), yup I call 'em LEMONHEADS
Yeah so my homegirl Mo from the Interior Design department at SCAD by way of UNIS just dropped some ill flictures on me of the photoshoot she did for my man Dave at Jacob's Jeweler on Broughton and MLK. Keep posted for the update which will blow your jaw away, consequently bringing you to buy a new set of veneers (this time in platinum and diamond) from Jacob's.
You ever like, do something and attach an animal noise from within to the action at hand?
Yeah, me too.
Just want to shout out SCAD basketball right now, boys and girls. Being the avid fan I am I ran up in the piece and tried to jockey for position for the title of "#1 Fan." I lost, but the battle was well fought. Congratulations Stepf Raiford, forever to go in the annals of SCAD basketball history as its #1 Fan. I will still try to usurp that position by stating now that the #2 Fan is one-upping you by writing this blog post, so now maybe sports analysts will have to argue over this like countless other things. (Who was better? Wilt or Russell? TD, Malone, or Garnett? CP3 or DWill? or dun dun dunnnn Mike or KOBE!? yeah I said it)
Anyway, the last home games are on Saturday, at Savannah High. 2PM for the girls, 4PM for the guys.
RIP SCAD basketball
RIP Spirit Fingers
RIP random yelling
RIP "carry us/go for stats/etc."
RIP bad referee jokes
RIP half-time contests (mini-golf into a cup for a Mr. Pizza giftcard/Free-throw contest for $7? C'mon now)
RIP... Cheerleaders
RIP Art the Bee
Come out and support, its our last chance!

shoutouts to BT's facebook page, the source of this poster
Either they're really jealous that I have an awesome blog, or they're really jealous that they're not me. I JUST CAN'T TELL
Shoutouts to my man ZP the Boy Wonder from back home, keeping my head high since I realized that sometimes you have to stop living up here (picture the hand motion), and start living too high to even be considered writing in this blog post.
So click that link to be guided to the download, and pay that forward-- getchhhhaaaaaaaaaa
Peep that John Legend beat, even if you threw a chorus of Wayne Bradi (thats Wayne Brady, but plural) on that ish it would still have you toe-tappin and if you did that right consequently cheek smackin'.
Big ups ZP, stay on the grind for sure!
Kan "7-Ups For His Peoples" Ando
P.S. "A champ like Tim Tebow, but I'm wearing Tan Timbo's" (OooOooWwWWwwW, WHY)

Chillllllllllll Mikey K., you're killin' em out there!

She puts the "scalding-hot review" in "New York Times Style Editorial"
#1 reason this is up on the blog: I fucks with Cathy Horyn.
Marc Jacobs put up a pretty soft show this season, and Ms. Horyn in perfect fashion let the people know in one of her most recent article for the New York Times (albeit not necessarily as roughly as one should have).
That's dope, because nobody touches on MJ-- he's a Don. Way to almost take it to Batman-Falconi levels Ms. Horyn! (I mean, Marc's the man but this body of work was a definite disappointment-- not to compare him with the slumlord who nearly undermined the declining yet surviving Gotham City, but the analogy at the time kind of worked.)
She then again wrote a review for the Michael Kors show, which by the way was F'ing awesome justF'inlookatdapics

Cathy "You Makin' Me Horny (W/ Your Good Reviews)" Horyn
anyway, I'm trying to work my way around to meeting her and racking her brain because this lady is obviously (if you keep up with her work) on point. Her whole ish in context is also funny because she's getting banned left and right from the shows of many a designer because they know they're about to get their asses handed to them by the Cathster (again, since they previously have been burned).
I WANT TO WORK FOR CATHY HORYN--- STAY UPDATED FOR POSSIBLE NEWS ON POSSIBLE INTERNSHIP/APPRENTICESHIP/SELF-INDUCED SEXUAL SLAVERY (not really #3, she kinda looks like Diane Keaton which is a MAJOR turnoff. In fact, pretty much all old white women look like Diane Keaton. Note to white women: Do not get old.)
Kan "All About His Shyla Stylez" Ando
PS. Just playing, white women take it easy
OK So I've been thinking about it/talking about it to a select few until recently when I decided I'm going to give myself more of a pressure push and try to get my ideas out there.
is the name of the label that I am trying to create (investors holla at me), and right now it's basically completely raw and has no proposed design vision or goal other than to bring me to bring you what I think will be a strong aesthetic. Sometimes I will be wrong. Most of the time I will think I'm right. All of the time I'm going to be trying to walk on blazing red-hot coals and glass surrounded by 1,000 poisonous asps wearing nothing but a tie, a pair of my best friend's father's Brooks Brothers white briefs and and some busted ass Docs I bought from Civvie's (wanting nothing more in life but to look like Steve Dallas from Bloom County, and to be legit).
Here's a CAD flat of some pants I am going to be making, though I don't think they're actually going to be part of my line at all-- In essence that last paragraph was a complete waste of your time if you were thinking build-up/climax/resolution. Got em'.

Fuck it cause' Prince used to be cutting the butt-section out of his trousers.
DREAM REALIZED. STAY THE COURSE. The Sculpture Forum show is seeming to pick up some buzz. Could it be because it is going to be a showcase of awesome sculptures? Is it the preposed carrot centerpiece of the Venus of Willendorf? Is it because of the Final Fantasy/Watchmen hero-like aesthetics of James Marcella? Or maybe its the underground afterparty that is VIP/ INVITE ONLEE/ SUPER XCLUSIF (rumor has it that TI and Fall Out Boy will be there)!!!!!!!

oh baby, baby, only time will tell
like that winddddd
Aiight first off this post is way overdue-- I'm here to F'in shout out my F'in mans Lucian F'in C. Dickson!
Right now I'm having trouble finding the NY1 video of this guy wildly celebrating the Obama victory on Nov. 4th on a streetsign with his boy Julian (big ups Julian) popping off with that OE and Chandon, but it's still all wavey. Let's go Lucian!
Anyway, I'm just wondering how one F'in guy can get up in the cut like he is right now. Shoutouts to him interning hard at DIME magazine, and shoutouts to these exclusive pics he allowed peach/apple medley to have.

Rare Air fo sho'. Some raw Jordan/AF1 hybrids. Naaa you ain't ready. Or maybe you are????

yo Lil' Penny is back baby. LCD where can we cop those Knicks 1/2 Jerseys!

my man getting faded with Q-Tip, notice the respect being shown to the drunken guy himself. The two finger point is well established as a universal sign of "hellz yeah I just dropped the best album of 08', and hellz yeah this is my son right here"
So apparently 5-0 showed up around his way to shut his whole keeping it real operation down, and then Lucian had this done to em:

We needed some o' this on Saturday. Step your weights up!
This photo collection being like a day in the life of Lucian, we've already picked up so many wild F'in things.
1) LCD reviewing unknown sneakers
2) LCD chauffering Lil' Penny
3) LCD getting Lil' Penny into the club (who lets little people into the clubs these days? That shit means you got clout!!!!!)
4) LCD up in the VIP/DJ Booth with Q-Tip
5) LCD Policing the police
anyway, so just big ups to Lucian, he's doing his thing. Also a student, getting paid to go to school so you know his head's on right--- we need more of you out there brov. Tell the goons at Atlantic Center I'm coming back to take what's mine in Summa 09'! YADIG
Kan "the oldest and newest Brook/Downtown Don" Ando
shouting out
Lucian "the Originata to All You Hataz" C. Dickson
and I'm gone
Yeah thats right.
Blatant sexism cause I'm saying the ladies love to go shopping.
Its all good.
If the ladies like it then I like it.
Thats why I got satin on my pillowcases.
Thats why I got Alizé.
I don't drink no Alizé,

last time I was up in there I changed next to Kevin Bacon. He saw my balls but it was all good
basics if you're in New York on any of those dates hit up the spot
261 W. 36th St. (btwn 7th and 8th)
2nd Floor
It has come to my attention
something that I should mention
that a New York City Ballet dancer
used to give me French lessons
Lydia W.'s the name to anoint
A ballerina most definitely on point
this a New York City Ballet dancer
O' how she must have wondrous joints!

the best part about dancers is that they never wear clothes ever, and its all wavey
So I've been brushing up on my poetry, I was feeling a little Shel Silverstein/Roald Dahl-like with that last one. (Am I right, or am I left?) Anyhow, Lydia is a dancer for the New York City Ballet! This is an amazing accomplishment for someone as young as Lydia, and I am not even stunting when I say that I always had a feeling that she would catch on with a company.
She lives in New York City still and if I'm not mistaken goes to Barnard. Check back in June to see my production of 'Interview with a Dancer' starring her and I in which the acting will be sub-Brad Pitt but still better than Kirsten Dunst.
Here's the link to her ballet profile: Lydia W.
So the Sculpture Forum is back on the move--- Awesome!
The show entitled "Form =/> Function" will be going up from March 11th through the 17th. I highly recommend you show up, not only to support the Sculpture Forum, but to support your friends in the show (like me or whoever else, I know I would appreciate it), and keep involved in Savannah arts.
I'm working on a couple things I'm hoping to have up in there, so we shall most definitely see.
Tait is working on a full-fledged flyer for distribution (in the industry we call that a bad report card-- as in, "do you have the bad report card ready?" or "So many people are going to show up, they got a bad report card!") and it's going to be dopppeeeeeeee.
The Eq. Order always goes hard, like pornstars.
Otherwise, there is going to be a Sculpture Forum meet, greet and informal critique at our Initiation Barbeque two saturdays from now at Boundary Hall, so come out and enjoy the fun. Two grills will be provided, one strictly vegetarian another for them carnivorous human beans.
Bring Your Own Food, and remember we're on SCAD property so please refrain from bringing alcohol or dat Grape Ape
P.S. Here's a link to Blank Space Gallery, which is also holding open model drawings!