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SCAD basketball
Just want to shout out SCAD basketball right now, boys and girls. Being the avid fan I am I ran up in the piece and tried to jockey for position for the title of "#1 Fan." I lost, but the battle was well fought. Congratulations Stepf Raiford, forever to go in the annals of SCAD basketball history as its #1 Fan. I will still try to usurp that position by stating now that the #2 Fan is one-upping you by writing this blog post, so now maybe sports analysts will have to argue over this like countless other things. (Who was better? Wilt or Russell? TD, Malone, or Garnett? CP3 or DWill? or dun dun dunnnn Mike or KOBE!? yeah I said it)
Anyway, the last home games are on Saturday, at Savannah High. 2PM for the girls, 4PM for the guys.
RIP SCAD basketball
RIP Spirit Fingers
RIP random yelling
RIP "carry us/go for stats/etc."
RIP bad referee jokes
RIP half-time contests (mini-golf into a cup for a Mr. Pizza giftcard/Free-throw contest for $7? C'mon now)
RIP... Cheerleaders
RIP Art the Bee
Come out and support, its our last chance!

shoutouts to BT's facebook page, the source of this poster
Yo Kan wait wait i dont know if Stepf number one fan cause i been to more games than he has and always front row yellin and i mean boys and girls period!!! -Dyon P-