Incredibly, its that time
the time when you start needing more and more
music line for line for line
Greetings, fellow earthlings, you are now in store for a few blog entries worth of Music Reviews.
Pump up, pump up, pump up the volume.

First things first, I met Alex Goose the first quarter of my Freshman year at SCAD briefly in front of the Tantra Lounge, acting on some tomfoolish drunkenness. I think we both dismissed each other like alright we've been hearing about each other, finally met up, whatevs. I met him again in the Dyson Lab something like 4 or 5 months later supposedly doing work, and we ended up just vibing for like, 4 hours on some dream shit. It was crazy (and almost homoerotic... naaaaa just playin' Goosey) and basically it sparked a friendship both personal and professional that has rarely occurred in my lifetime. When we got around to listening and looking at each other's work we both came away like, wow, this could be something ill. Goose has since moved away from Savannah to Atlanta and with the equally talented and enjoyable people he introduced me to, Danny Swain, Brittany Bosco, Branden Collins, Lloyd Harold, they helped to form an awesome sound and design collective, The Big Up. So lets give BIG UPS to The Big Up!

Brittany Bosco- I saw her destroy at Dimensions Gallery in 08'. Literally, after she killed the system just stopped working

the design of Alex Goose, also featured on the album as a producer. Oh yeah, that album was also on the pre-ballot for a GRAMMY

DANNY! Swain, Kroger loans no more.
So peach/apple medleyites, I'm just saying. When they blow up you can have those stories to tell around the water cooler, you know, those "I used to have a history class next to the water fountains they used to drink out of" kind of things. Or if you're part of my non-SCAD Savannah audience you can just be up on that ish. That hot ish. That too hawt to handle ish. Yeah, back to that ish.
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