The Sculpture Forum, the meetings are def. wayyy cooler than the Q&A with Hunt so you should show up to some
While the lecture by Hunt was most uninspiring, photographs from the Sculpture Forum meeting last Tuesday (next meeting Tuesday Feb. 10th) should be the exact opposite.
The lovely Mrs. Officers of Sculpture Forum: Ursula and Hollie! wee-oo-wee-oo-wee
these boots were made for sculptin'
Remember: Valentine's day-- Of An Equestrian Order's fundraiser for the Sculpture Forum! $2.00 suggested donation, please
IMA BE there this shit is gonna be too much. I'm even a little scared about going. I'm scared ill have too much fun and then the rest of my life will seem boring and underwhelming.
IMA BE there this shit is gonna be too much. I'm even a little scared about going. I'm scared ill have too much fun and then the rest of my life will seem boring and underwhelming.